Cedar Oil

Cedar Oil

Regarding unsaturated fatty acids, which facilitate dilution of cholesterol and prevent the growth of cancerous cells, cedar oil is even better than the best sorts of olive oil. The oil contains considerable amount and composition of vitamins: A – the vitamin responsible for growth and development, B1 – favors metabolic processes, as well as leave positive effect on heart, blood-vessel, as well as central nervous systems, B2 – makes your sight better, and improves the condition of liver, skin and muscuous membrane, vitamin E – stimulates the endocrine system, as well as protects the cell membranes from damage, vitamin F – facilitates assimilation of albumen and fat splitting. Macro and micro elements, including such a valuable substance for human health as magnesium, forms correct structure of bones; potassium strengthens the cardic muscle, iron is a component of hemoglobin, copper stimulates cerebration; manganese is essential for cartilages and hormones, however zinc normalizes the functions of prostate, restores tissue, in other words – cedar oil is a unique preparation. Cedar oil has been successfully used both as prophylactic and healing means for such diseases as ulcers, chronic gastritis, anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, atrophic cirrhosis, rheumatism, tuberculosis, leucosis, nephrite, nephrolith disease sugar diabetes and adiposity.

Code: 387, volume: 100 ml, cena: 7,75 €