Walnut oil
From time immemorial, walnut has been regarded as one of the world wonders created by nature, and having no equivalent features in flora.
Walnut oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, C, B, macro and micro elements (zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt).
The vitamins, the oil contains, raise energetic tone of the organism, and stabilize immunity. The aging processes are slowed down due to active participation in all oxidation and rejuvenescence processes.
The oil is essential for elderly people, especially for those who suffer from hypertension, heart atherosclerosis ischemia, diabetes. The preparation is successfully used in treatment of chronic hepatitis, heightened level of gastric juice acid, and thyroid hyperfunction. Walnut oil protects the organism from influence of cancerous substances. The organism is less predisposed to radiation, radio-nucleins are excreted out of the organism, this oil has anti-cancerous effect.
Since old times walnut oil has been used in treatment of tuberculosis and in cases of inflammation processes in lungs or bronchi. Since walnut oil is used also as a resolvent, it is a good remedy when treating skin and mucus inflammations. Walnut oil stimulates bruise and scar healing, as well as treats bad ulcers and sores.
The oil may be effectively used in treating psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis, varicose veins. The walnut oil is used also in cosmetology – for softening dray skin, and as a means of tan facilitation.
Walnut oil is very important factor in treatment and prophylactics of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases and in cases of metabolic disturbance.
Walnut oil is recommended in the following cases: chronic arthritis, for bruise/scar treatment, burns, ulcers and other skin problems, chronic colitis, accompanied by constipations, as a rehabilitation treatment after operations and traumas, sugar diabetes, as well as for healing stomach and gut ulcers.
This oil is recommended for pregnant and nursing women.
Walnut oil contains herbal ferment stimulating circulation of blood in the genital area and spermatogenesis.
Walnut oil is a wonderful means of losing weight and rejuvenescence.
Walnut oil improves the indices of cell immunity, reduces the concentration of circulating immune complexes, making organism more resistant to respiratory affections.
Vitamin C and minerals zinc and copper are powerful anti-oxidants. By strengthening the vascular walls, they work as a fat filter for liver and vascular walls, which is an important factor in treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diseases related to liver, endocrine system, including sugar diabetes.
Due to the use of walnut oil, cholesterol production is reduced, vascular walls are strengthened, and the process of free radicle oxidation is restricted.
Code: 388, volume: 100 ml, cena: 6,45 €