Supplement – Ho-Do

Supplement – Ho-Do

It stimulates the development of favorable microflora, eliminates harmful microorganisms, works as an antibacterial remedy in cases of stomach-intestinal canal disbacteriosis, improves cell regeneration process, normalizes acid and alkali balance, favors the elimination of toxic substances and works as an urine stimulating remedy and as an antioxidant, normalizes arterial blood pressure, improves blood quality, strengthens immunity, and stabilizes glucose level in blood. It is recommended for pregnant women and it stimulates lactation for young mummies. It can be used as well for external application on wounds and burns. Content: oat tops, raspberries and their tops, birch tree leaves and burgeons, dills, pine-tree and fir-tree sprouts, bird-cherry leaves, caraway-seeds, horseradish roots, bilberry bushes, briar-roses, nettles, milfoils, parsley and celery leaves, black currant leaves and berries, meadowsweet, heather and marjoram.

Application: it must be used as a supplement. Take one dosage (2mg) of Ho-Do with a glass of water once a day, or add it to salads, honey, yogurt or kefir. Do not use it as a tea, because a high temperature will reduce its effect. Regular use will lead to the best results. It is recommended to use 1 package (25 packets) once a quarter.

Code: 650