Sea buckthorn extract

Sea buckthorn extract

It strengthens immune-system, improves metabolism process, possesses antibacterial effect, reduces cholesterol level, heals irritation and has ulcer healing effect. It contains the extract of sea buckthorn berries, pits and new sprouts.

For internal use: stomach and duodenum ulcer; chronic colitis with constipation; chronic gastritis, brask. Dosage and use: take one teaspoon twice a day 30 min. before meal and before going to bed. The recommended lengths of course – 10-12 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 7-10 days interval.

For external use: burns, frostbites, sluggish ulcers. Before its usage, clean the damaged area from necrotic cells. In the cases of burns or frostbites apply it to a wound every 2nd-3rd hour or use it as a bandage every 2nd day.

In gynecology: vaginitis, endocervicitis, cervix uteri erosion. In these cases use tampons, that should be changed twice a day. The lengths of the course – 10-15 procedures. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 4-6 weeks interval.

Nasal cavity inflammation: helps to prevent any kinds of rhinitis. Apply in into your nose 3-4 times a day.

Code: 383, volume: 100 ml, cena: 5,86 €