Undine – for fitness of intellect

Undine – for fitness of intellect

Undine is a complex of vitamins, which prevents sclerosis, stimulates a stabile development of the whole body, reduces cholesterol level in blood and excludes the risk connected with blood-vessel narrowing. It creates energy balance, providing the process of cell protection and regeneration. It is recommended as a preventive measure for sclerosis. It contains mineral substances – Mg, Ca, K, Mg, P, Fe, vitamins – C, B1, B2, B3, PP, E, K, beta carotene, pectic substances, organic acid, organic sugar, sulphur containing glycosides, tannins, phytonzyde, essential oils with antibiotic features. It contains black radish, black currants, and briar-roses.

Code: 656, quantity: 50 сaps, cena: 9,58 €